Marketers’ guide to TikTok ad specs

TikTok is among the fastest-growing social platforms. With millions of short, high-quality videos, TikTok draws thousands of content creators and app users. TikTok for Business opens the doors for advertisers and marketers to elevate the brand value to a more engaged audience. Here are the ad formats and specs available on the TikTok ad platform.  […]

The ultimate guide to social media ad specs

Advertising has transitioned to having a large focus on social platforms — Facebook’s advertising revenue alone exceeded $40 billion, a 47% increase compared to the previous year. This shouldn’t be surprising as there are 3.03 billion social media users worldwide. If you’re not using a good sum of your budget on social media advertising, you’re already behind. […]

The complete list of Instagram ad specs

For your video ads to stand out in a feed full of curated content on Instagram, understanding the Instagram ad specifications is critical for your ad to deliver its possible maximum output. With its popularity and visually-driven nature, Instagram provides brands an excellent opportunity to reach socially engaged audiences through advertising. However, keeping track of […]

The complete list of LinkedIn ad specs

LinkedIn ads offer a unique channel for brands to connect with business professionals. Because of this, the most effective LinkedIn advertising is that which builds and promotes your brand’s image. Choose your LinkedIn ad type Sponsored content Sponsored InMail Dynamic ads Display ads Text ads To properly convey your message, it is important to know in […]

The complete list of Twitter ad specs and image sizes

With over 541 million monthly active users, Twitter is a lucrative platform for advertisers big and small. It offers numerous ad formats and you can certainly find one that fits your business needs. To make it easy to get started, we’ve laid out the Twitter ad specs for each of the different Twitter Cards below. Choose a Twitter Card […]

Facebook Reels Ads 101: A Complete Setup Guide With Ads Specs

Imagine connecting with your target audience in a way that feels intimate, authentic, and engaging. Imagine turning the power of video to your advantage and placing your brand in front of consumers already spending their time-consuming organic and paid content. Stop fantasizing and make it real with Facebook Reels Ads! But before hitting the boost […]

Benefits of CTV Advertising for Social Media Advertisers

Strike Overview Jump to Section f you’re still deciding whether to incorporate CTV into your media plan, this article outlines the key benefits and considerations to help you make an informed choice for your next quarter or next year’s media strategy. How Major Social Media Platforms Have Adapted to CTV Advertising Advertising on CTV provides […]

Which Facebook Ad Metrics Should You Use to Measure Ad Performance?

Understanding the essential Facebook ad metrics is just the first step. Do you know which Facebook KPIs accurately determine the success of your campaigns? With Facebook ad spending projected to reach approximately $121.80 billion by 2024, it’s more important than ever for companies and advertisers to assess whether their Facebook ads are performing according to […]

2024 Facebook Ad Formats to Effectively Showcase Your Ads

Advertisers must diligently choose the Facebook ad formats that engage and attract the right audiences. Facebook is the largest advertising market in the US, with a projected $50.57 billion ad spend in 2024. It commands a 66% share of the total social media advertising spend forecasted for the year. Therefore, ensuring an ROI for your […]

Should You Use Meta Advantage+ Placements for Your Campaigns?

Did you know that using Meta Advantage+ placements can help your brand decrease CPM by up to 22% and reach 6% more people with the same spend? According to Meta’s data, a global financial services firm achieved these results by using Advantage+ placements for their Facebook and Instagram feed ads. Since introducing the Advantage+ suite […]

Advertising Strategies to Build Up Your 2024 Father’s Day Campaigns

Father’s Day 2024 presents a prime opportunity for brands to make their mark, tapping into the inherent sentimentality and appreciation for dads everywhere. In 2023, Father’s Day spending in the US reached $22.9 billion, setting new records for this cherished holiday. As we approach Father’s Day 2024, brands must seize this occasion to its fullest […]

Choosing The Right Instagram Ad Formats For Your Brand

Have you ever pondered the secrets behind Instagram ad formats that seamlessly engage audiences without feeling intrusive? With Feed ads having an average click-through rate (CTR) of 0.22% to 0.88%, standing out in Instagram has become increasingly challenging. Crafting impactful ads extends beyond compelling visuals; it involves selecting the optimal format that aligns with your […]

How to Keep Your Sports Betting Ads from Getting Rejected

Despite scrutiny surrounding sports gambling and betting ads, the industry remains steadfast. Legal bets soared to nearly $120 billion last year alone. According to the American Gaming Association (AGA), Americans spent $10.49 billion on sports betting during this year’s Super Bowl, marking a 24.8% surge from the previous year. Yet even with these promising figures, […]

How Advertisers Should Prepare for Amazon Prime Day 2024

Amazon dominates 37% of the estimated $100 billion market for retail media ads, making it a prime opportunity for media buyers to capitalize on Amazon Prime Day 2024. This two-day event, slated for July 16th and 17th, sees an uptick in ad click-throughs by 226%, alongside a 409% increase in ad spend compared to the […]

Trends and Ideas for Mother’s Day Advertising 2024

As advertisers, we know that Mother’s Day advertising campaigns often revolve around flowers, chocolates, and warm embraces – all for the brand we represent. But in 2024, how can we infuse our campaigns with genuine love and relevance? Join us as we explore the latest consumer trends and discover how you can seamlessly integrate them […]

Advertising Know-Hows: Instagram Glossary for Beginners

Embarking on a paid social media campaign entails more than just creative content and strategic planning; it begins with analyzing the language of the platform you’re using such as the Instagram glossary for advertising terms. Instagram usernames, or handles, are often the first thing potential customers seek when exploring new products. With the platform hosting […]

What Are The YouTube Ad Metrics That Advertisers Should Monitor?

Launching and running a campaign is just the beginning — tracking the right YouTube ad metrics is crucial to achieving your campaign objectives. While relying solely on platform-provided data may be tempting, true success in YouTube advertising demands a proactive approach. In this blog, we will explore the essential YouTube ad metrics that advertisers should […]

What YouTube Ad Formats Can Advertisers Utilize?

Crafting a successful video ad campaign hinges on selecting the optimal YouTube ad format to engage your audience effectively. Having familiarized yourself with the fundamental terms of YouTube advertising, it’s time for the next step: understanding the different ad formats on YouTube. Despite constituting just 10.25% of Google’s overall advertising revenue, YouTube offers countless opportunities […]

Advertising Know-Hows: YouTube Advertising Glossary

Marketing on an unfamiliar platform can be challenging, but fortunately, you have Strike Social’s YouTube advertising glossary to assist you. YouTube is ubiquitous these days, with users spanning all age demographics, from 18 to 65 and beyond. Whether you’re a seasoned YouTube user or just starting out, having a comprehensive glossary of YouTube advertising terms […]

Going Beyond the Surface of Google’s Performance Max Ads

The popularity of Google’s Performance Max campaigns is on the rise among digital advertisers. During the peak Q4 2023 holiday season, 91% of US advertisers integrated PMax campaigns into their marketing strategies, indicating media buyers’ keen interest in this trend. This surge in PMax advertising now begs the question: Is it time to incorporate Performance […]

YouTube Ads Benchmarks 2023 Cost, CPV, and View Rates Trends That You Need To Know

YouTube Ads Benchmarks were crucial for advertisers in 2023, serving as a compass to reach Connected TV viewers and mobile device users for personalized advertising. With YouTube’s status as the king of video content across all devices, analyzing these benchmarks has never been more critical.  YouTube’s expansive reach on multiple screen sizes and its versatility […]

Advertising Know-Hows: LinkedIn Ads Glossary

Although LinkedIn might not be your initial choice for social media advertising, it’s reassuring to have access to a LinkedIn ads glossary for when you do decide to utilize it. Fear not, many of the key terms and concepts you’ll encounter here are familiar and easily translatable from other social media advertising platforms. Whether you’re […]

How to Guarantee Unobstructed Ads with the YouTube Video View Campaign Safe Zone

In YouTube advertising, you have the creative freedom to explore various ad sizes and placements. However, amidst this versatility, there’s a crucial aspect that deserves your attention: the YouTube Video View Campaign Safe Zone. The safe zone guarantees the essential visual elements and text you wish to highlight is clear YouTube’s Video View Campaign (VVC) […]

Effortlessly Navigate the TikTok Ad Review Process and Launch Your Campaigns with Confidence

Have you ever wondered why some ads effortlessly navigate through the TikTok ad review process while others falter? Are you merely guessing, fervently wishing for your campaign to emerge untouched from TikTok’s stringent content auditing panel? Rest assured, TikTok advertising doesn’t have to resemble a game of chance. By mastering the art of crafting TikTok […]

Optimizing Video Length for YouTube Ads For High-Performing Campaigns

Capturing and maintaining audience attention these days is a prized achievement, and that’s why knowing the optimal video ad length for YouTube is essential. Imagine launching a YouTube ad, pouring resources and creativity into it, only to find viewers skipping it within the first few seconds. With the average human attention span dwindling at only […]

Downloadable Resources

Case Study: Connected TV Drives 13% Cost Efficiency for Industrial Service Brand This case study highlights how a major national industrial services brand sought to improve cost efficiency in its brand awareness efforts. Strike Social utilized YouTube’s Connected TV inventory, delivering a 13% cost savings over guaranteed rates. Despite rising political ad spending in Q2 […]

Stay Within the Lines: Instagram’s Safe Zone and Ad Sizes

Strike Overview Jump to Section This post was updated in August 2024 to provide you with the latest information. Stay Within the Lines: Instagram’s Safe Zone and Ad Sizes Maximize your Instagram ad spending with ease! Paying attention to Instagram’s safe zone and ad sizes is crucial for success. Keep up-to-date with the latest guidelines […]

Make the Most of YouTube TrueView with Shorts Ads

Strike Overview Jump to Section This post was updated in September 2024 to provide you with the latest information. Make the Most of YouTube TrueView with Shorts Ads YouTube TrueView ads offers an effective way to reach your target audience and drive engagement. If you are looking for a powerful way to advertise your brand […]

Streamline Whitelisting: Guide to Instagram Branded Content Ads

Social media has revolutionized how businesses advertise and connect with their audiences, and collaboration with influencers and content creators has become one of the most effective strategies. Regarding influencer marketing, there’s no denying that Instagram is the platform of choice. And with the arrival of Reels, the platform has become even more appealing for content […]

YouTube Shorts Best Practices for Video Ads

Strike Overview Jump to Section This post was updated in September 2024 to provide you with the latest information. YouTube Shorts Ads: Best Practices, Specs, and Set Up Guide YouTube Shorts ads are a surefire way to get audiences’ attention as platforms race to catch up with the short-form vertical video trend. YouTube Shorts has […]

TikTok Brand Awareness Ad Objective: An Opportunity Media Buyers Should Know About

As the calendar approaches the busiest time of the year, developing discovery and brand awareness campaigns is critical in an increasingly competitive market. Standing out in a newsfeed filled with thousands of media ads creates new brand opportunities. In a fast-paced industry like advertising, where trend creation may happen overnight, it is difficult for media […]

New Social Shopping Ads for an Ever Earlier Holiday Shopping Season

Social marketers are working just as hard as Santa’s elves to keep up with this year’s advertising holiday shopping season trends. As marketers wanted to put a truckload of coziness and happiness this upcoming season, Q3 has been hampered by the economic downturn creating volatility in the market and unpredictability in the coming weeks. Looking […]

Ensure Campaign Effectiveness: Advertising Factors You Need To Consider Next

Can advertisers rely entirely on paid social media platforms’ performance to deliver maximum ad in every ad dollar spent? Media buyers should understand the factors affecting advertising effectiveness even when set on automatic pacing.  Allowing social ad managers to run and optimize campaigns seems to be the best route to achieving the best results. The […]

Google Offers Full Advertising Solution with YouTube Shorts Ads

Advertisers can now scale bottom-funnel campaigns, all thanks to YouTube Short ads. During Google Marketing Live 2022, the giant video company announced that they would gradually roll out ads to the YouTube Shorts feed. While Google is working on launching full access to Shorts inventory, media buyers can display video ads through Video Action Campaigns […]

TikTok Spark Ads vs. Non-Spark Ads: What Marketers Should know

Strike Overview Jump to Section Get exclusive content on paid social media. Join our mailing list for the latest updates. This post was updated in August 2024 to provide you with the latest information. TikTok Spark Ads vs. Non-Spark Ads: What Marketers Should know In a snap of a finger, advertisers have turned their curiosity […]

TikTok Advertising Resource Page

Marketers’ guide to TikTok ad specs TikTok analytics: Marketers’ guide to understanding TikTok Ads targeting TikTok Shopping Ads: Advertisers’ solution to creating a meaningful digital shopping experience Elevate organic growth with TikTok Spark Ads TikTok Spark Ads vs. Non-Spark Ads: What marketers should know Advertisers convert Facebook ad money to more TikTok ad spending

The Instagram Reels Ad Placement Effect: Setting Up IG Paid Campaigns for Success

Instagram Reels in Action While platforms are battling for the crown of the best short-form video, advertisers benefit as more active and engaging users spend countless hours swiping. Instagram Reels, first launched in August of 2020, only became available in the ad auction in 2022.  Marketers benefit because anytime there’s a new part of the […]

TikTok Analytics: Marketers’ Guide to Understanding TikTok Ads Targeting

What made brands decide to move ad money to TikTok advertising? TikTok advertising has presented itself to marketers as a boat they cannot miss, and big brands have joined the expedition. From an ad revenue of 4 billion US Dollars last 2021, TikTok expects to triple its 2022 advertising revenue to 12 billion US Dollars.  […]

Advertisers Convert Facebook Ad Money to More TikTok Ad Spending

Gen Z and Millennials can’t get enough in swiping millions of TikTok content, and advertisers are beginning to follow the trail. TikTok ads are becoming advertisers’ solutions in reaching new markets, considering Facebook ads getting deterred with third-party data. Last Q3 of 2021, TikTok had 138 million Monthly Active Users in the United States, with […]

Elevate Organic Growth with TikTok Spark Ad

TikTok is an extremely well-curated platform attracting younger generations to spend hours watching vertical videos. Since the lockdown, the popularity of the platform has been steadily rising. With trending videos and hashtag challenges started with the native platform and eventually went out to different socials, it fuels TikTok’s monthly active users’ growth to one billion.  […]

YouTube Connected TV Ads Converting Viewers to Customers

YouTube view-through rates generally fall within the 50-60% range, but YouTube CTV stands out with a significantly higher potential, achieving up to a 96% video completion rate. As of Q1 2024, CTV view rates consistently exceed other device placements. Despite being a relatively new ad placement, audiences are more inclined to engage with CTV ads […]

The complete list of Facebook ad sizes (2024)

Strike Overview Jump to Section This post was updated in August 2024 to provide you with the latest information. Familiarize yourself with the complete list of Facebook ad formats and their respective specifications and dimensions to ensure your ads adhere to the platform’s guidelines and optimize their effectiveness. 2024 Facebook Ad Types and Sizes As […]

How to use social media ads to generate sales

Strike Overview Jump to Section Get exclusive content on paid social media. Join our mailing list for the latest updates. This post was updated in August 2024 to provide you with the latest information. How to Use Social Media Ads to Generate Sales There are many ways to use social media advertising according to your […]

Everything you need to know about using Facebook carousel ads

Facebook is arguably (maybe inarguably) the go-to place for paid social advertising. Over 500 million people watch videos on Facebook every day, and views of sponsored video content have risen by 258 percent over the last two years. How much does this help Facebook carousel ads? Facebook says they could give you 30 percent to 50 percent lower cost-per-conversion and 20 percent […]

The 12 biggest social media advertising mistakes to avoid

In social advertising, mistakes can end up costing you a lot. Before you run your first social ad campaign, make sure that you have a focus on your social advertising efforts. Below are the biggest social media advertising mistakes, and the ones that you certainly want to avoid. 1. Not having a social advertising strategy So […]

The advertiser’s definitive guide to social media demographics

Nearly 70% of all U.S. adults use at least one social media site and each platform has a different purpose and offers advertisers different ways to engage with their audience. Along with that, there are different user demographics for each platform. The same people aren’t on or as active across every social media network that’s available. Some […]

How much does social media advertising cost?

Every social media platform brings something different to the table. This means that not only the structure of your campaigns will be different for each platform, but also the billing options and the advertising costs. But how does it all come together? We’ve created several guides to help you navigate through the advertising costs of each […]

How much does it cost to advertise on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is the ultimate place for advertisers targeting other businesses or potential employees. It offers great advertising formats that aren’t intrusive to the viewer and you only pay when your message is delivered. Considering this is an all professional setting, does it mean LinkedIn advertising is going to cost you a considerable more amount of […]

How much does it cost to advertise on Pinterest?

Pinterest is no longer just a place to find inspiration. Users now come to the platform ready to act on ideas already in mind. The company created a diverse set of tools to help users with that, empowering advertisers to engage with these customers in innovative ways. These tools, such as the new Lens feature, allow […]

How much does it cost to advertise on YouTube?

Coming out of an era of video consumption disruption, media buyers are burning their fingers simulating and finding the most cost-efficient YouTube advertising cost. According to CampaignLab data, US video ad spending rose 17% last year. Social video (Non-CTV) saw a 21% increase in ad spend, while CTV video ad spending increased by 13%. Among […]

How much does it cost to advertise on Twitter?

Advertising through social can be tricky to figure out since none of the platforms offer a direct quote. It’s all about budgets, bidding and the goals you want to accomplish through each campaign. To calculate how much your social media ads will cost, you need to understand the gist of how it all comes together […]

How much does it cost to advertise on Instagram?

With Instagram’s ad revenue surging, how has this impacted the cost of advertising on the platform? In 2023, Instagram’s ad sales in the US alone reached a staggering $39.7 billion, marking an increase of 19.4% from the previous year. This growth trajectory isn’t just about larger figures; a few years ago, Instagram’s ad sales surpassed […]

How much does it cost to advertise on Facebook?

Are you curious about Facebook ad costs? Observations from digital marketing managers and forecasts indicate a consistent trend of increasing advertising investment in paid social media platforms year after year. Despite the considerable slowdown, social media ad spend in the US is projected to grow by 5.67% in 2024, reaching $76.4 billion. As advertising spending […]

The advertiser’s guide to Twitter Cards

How are some businesses finding a way around the limit Twitter puts on the number of characters per tweet? And is it costing them more money? The answer is Twitter Cards, a way to display more of the content on your web page beyond 140 characters. And no, you don’t need to spend one extra penny […]

The complete list of YouTube ad specifications

Among the social media titans on the market today, YouTube is the vanguard platform. It’s been around since 2005, long before Facebook gained serious momentum, and it is still an essential part of any social media advertising mix. An important step for success in YouTube advertising is to craft an ad with the correct YouTube ad specifications. By […]

The complete list of Snapchat ad specifications

With Snapchat being a self-serve advertising platform, you can choose between three different types of ad options: Snap ads, sponsored Snapchat geofilters and sponsored lenses. You can use Snapchat’s self-serve ad manager to create Snapchat ads and geofilters, but Snapchat lenses need to be purchased through Snapchat directly. All of these formats provide a lot of options for you to interact […]

The 10 best video ads of 2016

As the new year draws near, we wanted to close out the old with a list of Strike Social’s favorite video ads from the past year. Our media team, who spend countless hours managing weekly ad buys for our clients, was polled for their favorite video ads of 2016. From their nominated selections, we chose the […]

How to advertise on Twitter

Twitter is the platform of big ideas within a 140-character count. With 317 million monthly active users, Twitter is still one of the most successful social media platforms around. For advertisers, that means that there is immense opportunity with Twitter. Knowing the basics will help you go a long way in the Twittersphere, as like every […]

Everything you need to know to advertise on Pinterest

As social media becomes more visual, Pinterest is gaining enormous popularity. Millions of people — mostly millennial women and new mothers — have taken to collecting merchandise from around the internet and pinning it to their boards. Seventy-five percent of these saved pins come from businesses, and there are 100 billion ideas on the platform. It even […]

Non-sports Brands Can Score Big by Targeting Sports Audiences

The meteoric rise of powerhouse women athletes like Simone Biles, Alex Morgan, Sabrina Ionescu, and Caitlin Clark exemplifies the surge of sports on social media. Beyond their remarkable achievements in women’s sports, these athletes have each seen their careers skyrocket and a boost in social media engagement. Comscore reported that women’s sports are becoming mainstream, […]

Tracking the Right Instagram Metrics for Your Campaigns

Savvy media buyers recognize that sales or conversions aren’t always the primary Instagram metrics to track in IG campaigns. Beyond traditional metrics like cost per view or impressions, the true pulse of your campaign lies in nuanced indicators tailored to your campaign objectives. We invite you to broaden your focus beyond the usual metrics but […]

Achieving 2024 Olympics-Sized Exposure Without Olympics-Sized Costs

The Olympics 2024 is setting up to be a colossal event for digital content, with YouTube alone already receiving over 33 billion visits for Olympics-related content. This global event allows advertisers to reach audiences well beyond the United States. However, with top-tier brands vying for advertising space, the challenge arises in securing visibility without the […]

Marketers’ Reaction to The Restriction of TikTok in the United States

The ticking clock on the restriction of TikTok in the United States grows louder each day. As US TikTok app users closer to the possibility of a ban, the platform’s vibrant community, encompassing a wide range of demographics, faces an uncertain future. The concerns extend beyond the app’s users; marketers worldwide are also bracing for […]

A Guide To DMA Geo-targeting On Tiktok: Reaching Location-based Audience

DMA geo-targeting is one of the best ways to target TikTok’s 80 million monthly active users (MAU) in the US alone. Like other social media giants, TikTok has embraced Nielsen’s DMA to give more value to advertisers who want to target a particular region or city. This guide will walk you through the basics of […]

Pinterest 101: The marketer’s guide to best practices

Pinterest is home to millions of DIYers, crafters, fashionistas, foodies and more. And this year, the popular inspiration platform reached 250 million monthly active users. If you’re looking to promote your website, products or content on the platform, it’s best to know the right steps to take for success. Throughout this article, we’ll dive into […]

Annual Digital Marketing Training with the Strike Social Experts

Digital marketing has become indispensable, with 97% of consumers checking a company’s online presence before purchasing or visiting the business. Social advertising is a top priority, commanding up to 53% of marketing budgets, followed closely by digital video advertising at 51% and influencer marketing at 49%. Therefore, our media buying teams must stay current with […]

TikTok Pulse FAQ and Setup Guide: Maximizing Engagement Around Organic Content

TikTok Pulse is a revolutionary revenue-sharing program and advertising feature that transforms how brands engage with their target audience on TikTok. Whether your brand falls under popular content categories like dance, comedy, food and cooking, fashion and beauty, or home renovations/DIY, TikTok Pulse can help you tap into a massive audience and connect with your […]

Will the Convergence of Linear and Connected TV Merge Media Buying Team?

Did you know advertising on YouTube Connected TV (CTV) can lead to a 28% reduced CPM? The excitement around CTV is undeniably growing, but this doesn’t spell the end for linear TV advertising. Linear TV still commands a 48% share of ad spend when compared to CTV, social video, and online video combined. However, this […]

IGTV for Business: basics and best practices for marketers

Instagram recently revealed a new feature to its app called IGTV. They dubbed it “the next generation of video.” As you already know, Instagram allows videos on both its feed and Stories, but users are limited to only capturing and displaying short videos. Source With the introduction of IGTV, users have the ability to upload videos between […]

20 free tools for marketers

To create a great social media advertising campaign, you need to get every detail right. Your creative, copy, keywords and execution all contribute to a great return on ad spend (ROAS) and to good view numbers at the end of the day. The good news is there are a lot of free marketing tools available on the internet that can […]