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How to manage global advertising campaigns

Business is bigger than the domestic market, as shown by the ever-increasing pace of global expansion. Since technology has made global connections easier than ever, many firms have taken the opportunity to conduct business globally.

Global management refers to the way an organization manages its business internationally. For brands with a large presence in social media advertising, global advertising means managing ad spend across multiple time zones, languages and customs. To succeed, global organizations need to combine business and marketing knowledge with an overall respect for cultural differences to help find its niche in the international business community.

We’ve researched best practices from not only the web, but also consulted with Strike Social’s social media advertising managers, who are responsible for managing ad budgets throughout the world. With clients in such faraway locations as Australia, Japan and Germany (to name a few), our media managers know what it takes to supervise remotely.

Streamline the process

When you are approaching global advertising, try to streamline the process as much as possible. This means automating manual steps whenever possible and standardizing the process to ensure that every step is understood and recorded. Additionally, keep your information organized and easily accessible so that you can pull from it at a moment’s notice.

Related: YouTube advertising know-hows

Create an A+ global advertising team

With global campaign management offices in Chicago, Krakow and Manila, we need staff to monitor and adjust ad placement during the peak hours of the campaigns geographical location. This requires hiring people who are driven, self-starters – when they see a problem, they fix it!

If your staff is scattered throughout the universe, make sure you have hired the best. Test for the characteristics and temperaments that your business requires, not what you think you should have.

Dive deeper: Secrets of highly successful social media buyers

Transcreate content

Since this is global management, remember that you’re going to have to adapt and translate content for different markets. The key with transcreation is to maintain meaning across the different advertising markets.

Think of it as a translation – the core message is there, it’s just delivered in a way that local audiences will understand and relate to. This will make your global campaigns stronger, as well as ensure that the message for each local market remains relevant to capture a new customer’s attention.

Introduce checkpoints and analytics

By introducing checkpoints for your advertising campaigns, you facilitate continuous campaign optimization. Implementing analytics allows you to determine success or failure through analysis of your quantitative data.

With technology making the world smaller, global business relations have never been more important for companies. Unfortunately, it is very easy to make mistakes that could be potentially ruinous for your company’s brand reputation. By maintaining a global, management perspective and utilizing analytics tools, you help to avoid some of the pitfalls that trip up even the best of companies, ensuring success in business ventures around the world.

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