The way people use technology has changed: Do you know what’s new?

How has the way people use technology changed?

If you’d told someone ten years ago that they’d be spending a decent percentage of their day speaking to Siri and Alexa, they’d probably ask, “Who the heck are they!?”

Likewise, the idea of seamlessly transitioning from one device to another, never mind using one device to control another device, would have seemed a far way off.

However, now that users have so many ways to access content, buy products and use services, it’s crucial that marketers and advertisers identify the opportunities that lie ahead of them and figure out how they can make the most of them.

We’ve decided to take a look at what we consider some of the most prominent opportunities that are available for marketers and advertisers at the moment.

Video – Everywhere!

You may have read the statistics on how much video people are consuming, but what you might not be aware of is just how many platforms support video, and encourage video content ahead of written content. What’s more, the number of ways in which video content can be created and consumed has developed.

Oh, and let’s not forget that the way people are using video is changing. For example, it’s estimated that 70 percent of YouTube viewers watch videos for “help with a problem” that they’re having in their hobby, studies or job.

Also, live streaming has literally exploded in the last 2-3 years, and it’s important for marketers to note that live videos on Facebook have an engagement rate of 4.3 percent compared to 2.2 percent for non-live videos. In general, live streaming will carry with it a higher engagement rate.

Looking for a quick hack relating to video that can give you immediate results? Try adding the word “video” in an email subject line – it could boost your open rates by 19 percent and clickthrough rates by 65 percent.

The key takeaways when it comes to marketers and video?

  • Crank up your efforts in regards to live streaming video content
  • Figure out what questions your customer/target audience want answers to, and how you can use video to deliver those to them

Privacy is more important than ever

If 2018 has taught us anything, it’s that you can be as cautious with whom and where you share information online as you like but ultimately, it’s equally down to your friends and family to be secure and protect both their own and your data.

Sharing data across apps, sending messages across multiple platforms and generally sharing your location can all amount to a fairly unprotected existence online.

With people more conscious of what they do with their own personal information, and interested to learn how companies are using their data, it’s important as a marketer and advertiser that you respect their concerns

Becoming aware of legal and regulatory matters such as GDPR and CASL is now paramount. Even if you’re a U.S. company with 99 percent U.S. customers, you might still be receiving traffic from Europe, in which case GDPR regulations could, and will, apply.

One thing you can do today is to take time to understand what your users are concerned about in relation to their security and find out what they expect from you as a marketer or advertiser.

People don’t use one device at a time

So, as I’m writing this I’m currently using five devices. That’s right – not one, two or three. FIVE. A smartphone for on-going quick searches and references. My laptop to type and create the content. A tablet to quickly read longer texts and sources. The “smart” TV is on in the background – I’m using it to watch some YouTube footage while researching this topic. And I’m occasionally asking Alexa a few questions, too.

It might all seem a bit much and I probably don’t need all these devices running at once, but it is a sign of the times. People no longer use one screen to do everything. They’re constantly searching for ways to optimize their work, automate their homes with smart sensors, improve their entertainment and generally just gain access to everything easier.

As a marketer – do you know how your consumers or target audience are viewing your content? Are they trying to find your website or information by asking Alexa? Are they eager to see some of your video content on YouTube? Maybe they’re expecting you to produce some podcast coverage so they can squeeze in your insights on their commute.

Figure out where your audience is and how you can get a direct line into their daily routines.

Other trends and habits to look out for

We’ve only just hit the tip of the iceberg here, but the point stands that you really need to keep a continuous eye on what your audience is doing and how they’re accessing content online.

Don’t be the marketer that expects hourly pre-scheduled Tweets to smash engagement numbers through the roof in 2018. Adapt to the ever-changing online habits of your audience and you’ll find consistent success in your efforts to reach them. A few other concepts and habits to keep in mind:

In-app/platform shopping

Shopping through social media is slowly picking up the pace. Can you market your brand/product in a seamless way through an Instagram post? Or YouTube channel?

Avoid the ‘traditional’ advertising

Traditional social media advertising is become what banner ads were a couple of years ago.

People can spot them from a mile away and they know they’re just another “ad” – use content that resonates and fits into the lifestyle and rituals of your target audience so that they feel you’re advising and guiding them into new brands or services, rather than forcing new things upon them.


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