Six Tips for Advertising on Facebook

Facebook advertising tips for success

Follow our Facebook advertising tips for best results on your ad campaigns.

What started out at as a simple social networking site has become the world’s largest marketing tool for advertisers. With more than 1 billion active daily users on Facebook and a fairly even gender split, it’s no secret that Facebook advertising is lucrative for brands.

Advertising on Facebook has the power to expand your business, but there’s no perfect formula. There are best practices, however, and we’ve compiled a list of some of the best Facebook advertising tips to help lead a successful campaign.

Target the right people

In order to be successful at advertising on Facebook, you want to make sure you’re getting in front of the right audience. Hone in on the audience that makes the most sense to go after for your brand. Be sure to consider:

  • What devices are your audiences most likely to use?
  • Where are they located?
  • What languages do they speak?
  • What content do they engage with most?

Facebook allows you to formulate an audience based on demographics, behavior, location, interests and more. You may find after testing and segmenting your target audience, that there are more audience opportunities out there than you had originally envisioned.

Embrace A/B testing

Why A/B test? A/B testing (also known as split testing) allows you to run multiple variations of your Facebook campaigns to determine what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing will help you understand what will perform best while also keeping ad costs down.

Don’t guess what will work with your audience just to make a mistake and lose valuable ad spend on a campaign that doesn’t perform. A/B testing let’s data do the decision making for you.

Focus on retargeting efforts

One thing all marketers face: a conversion doesn’t always happen on the first go-around. That’s where retargeting your audience comes in handy. For example, a user may visit your website or interact with your brand, but then never convert. By setting up Facebook ad retargeting, you can win your audience over by staying in their feeds and on their minds.

Connect a landing page

Link your Facebook ads to landing pages rather than straight to your website or product page. You’re likely asking for a high bounce rate by sending visitors to the homepage of your site without any clear direction. In rare instances, you might connect an ad to your website, but directing visitors to a landing page first is worth your ad spend to ensure each click counts.

RelatedA glimpse into the Facebook Ads Manager

Use original designs

Let’s talk creatives. Your images must be eye-catching and stand out from the other millions of images circling Facebook daily. For best performance, use high-quality images, bright colors and white backgrounds.

Additionally, you don’t want to display the same ad image again and again. Target a wider audience by incorporating new creatives into the mix. This is where A/B testing can help you decide what creatives perform well with your audience.

Optimize for organic and paid social

Out of all the facebook advertising tips we’ve covered, one thing is certain: when it comes to organic and paid social efforts on Facebook, one does not work without the other. Make sure to analyze how your past organic posts have performed and formulate your advertising strategy around that. Use the Facebook Insights tool to understand overarching performance. Some of your organic posts may perform well with your audience or they may underperform. Understand why that is and focus your organic and paid efforts appropriately based on your findings.


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