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Product Image Tips for Boosting Online Sales in E-Commerce

The busy schedules of people and the ease offered by online shopping these days have made people turn towards ecommerce lately. Instead of taking significant time out and visiting brick-and-mortar outlets to purchase their desired products, consumers prefer online shopping while sitting back at their homes and getting their favourite merchandise delivered to their doorsteps. 

Moreover, the outbreak of the pandemic recently played a crucial role in the growth of the ecommerce industry, and it saw immense development in the previous one or two years. 

The growth of the ecommerce retail industry is expected to grow by 10% by the end of 2023. The overall revenue of the ecommerce market is expected to grow to $8.1 trillion by the end of 2026. 

While the revenue of the ecommerce retail market is growing exponentially, the competition is also witnessing a considerable augmentation. Consumers who like to buy products online prefer the ecommerce vendor who can showcase their products in the best way possible and ensure optimum customer experience (CX).

Ensuring optimum CX for consumers who want to purchase products from you requires you to use all the tactics to enhance conversions on your website and increase your revenue exponentially. 

You have to keep a few product image tips to boost online sales. If you don’t have these tips, there is nothing to worry about, as this article outlines all these tips. 

Reading this article will help you immensely. Further details are given below:

Look for Competitors Through Reverse Image Search

Running a business in a highly competitive market requires you to stay vigilant about the tactics used by your competitors. The ecommerce retail market is the same. If you want to stand out from the rest of the competition and boost your online sales, then you need to be aware of the product photos offered by your competitors. 

Keeping an eye on your competitors is essential to stay alive in the business world. This will also allow you to get familiar with the latest market trends and strategies that are most followed to entice potential customers and grow sales. 

You may know a few competitors’ names and visit their websites to see the product photos they have used. However, if you want to see product photos posted by every possible competitor, reverse image search can be helpful. An independent photo search utility will help you view product photos like yours from all possible platforms. 

The best part is that it doesn’t require any intricate process to find similar images to your uploaded one. With the appropriate use of image reverse search technology, you can examine the photos used by your competitors to promote their products. In addition, this method will help you modify product images if needed to entice the targeted audience and boost online sales. 

Find Customer Images Featuring Your Products

Customers who are happy with your products often feel free to give feedback and even showcase the use of those products on public and social media platforms. 

Reverse image search can also help you find such photos if those photos are public. You can use those photos to boost your online sales. Your prospects will be more interested in buying your products after seeing satisfied customers.

You can post such photos on your website and social media handles to market your brand and products. Such photos come under the category of lifestyle photos. 

People interested in buying your products will get a good idea about the appearance of your products. This tactic is suitable for fashion products, furniture items, and sportswear. 

Display Products Through Every Angle

Remember that the consumer you are targeting needs to have the option of viewing the product in person. Hence, it is necessary to provide them with all necessary viewing angles to assess your products’ quality, texture, compatibility, and size proportion. Failure to do so will confuse customers regarding whether they should buy the item from you. 

Missing or ambiguous information may lead them to move towards other possible options which will certainly make you lose your chance of engaging more potential customers. 

You are responsible for showing every detail of the product you are offering for sale. The only way to do this is to display the product through every necessary angle in photos you post on your website. Your goal should be to satisfy customers about your products, and it is only possible when you provide them with every necessary angle to view the product.

Display Products in All Available Colors and Variations

Display Products in All Available Colors and Variations

You usually won’t offer a product in a single colour or variations. A single SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) will come in multiple variations and colours. So writing the phrase “also available in green, blue, and brown colours” won’t be the right approach. If consumers want to buy the variation of the SKU you offer for sale, they would like to view it.

The best way to deal with such a situation is to display the product in all available colours and variations. Otherwise, many prospects will leave your website without making any purchases. As a seller, you would want to avoid coming across a situation. 

Hence, make sure the product you are offering for sale is displayed in all colours and variations through photos posted on your website. 

Putting it Together

The ecommerce retail market has become a highly competitive market. Vendors from various regions of the world are competing against you. Hence, you should ensure that your products are displayed in the best way possible to offer an optimum customer experience and boost your online sales. Tactically captured and displayed product images can help you achieve these goals. We have discussed a few highly effective tips to help you make it possible. Hopefully, you will remember these tips while posting product images on your website and get your desired results. 

We wish you luck with the process of enticing customers through product images!

This article is written by Saif Malunder of Small SEO Tools. Saif is a digital marketer and writer who has introduced various modern strategies in her published articles. He is also co-author of various famous digital marketing books. He was a bookseller before moving to children’s publishing and worked for Knowledge Creators Company as a creative writer. He wrote a number of articles and blogs for teens and children on the adequate use of technology while working in that company. Saif is famous for his great knowledge about modern innovations can be depicted in his writing.

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