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How to Develop a Cross-Channel Marketing Strategy for Brand Visibility

Cross-channel strategies are great for engaging customers across different platforms and enhancing brand visibility and sales. This article will explore platform choices and discuss influencer collaborations, advertising options, engagement strategies, and target demographics. 

We will also give you a step-by-step run-down on developing a cross-channel marketing strategy for your business.

What is cross-channel marketing?

In short, cross-channel marketing involves using multiple channels to reach customers. It integrates various marketing channels (e.g., email, social media, websites). Using different channels and methods creates a seamless experience for the customer and allows businesses to engage with customers in various ways. 

Email newsletter software, such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact, can be particularly effective in nurturing leads and maintaining customer relationships through personalized communication.

This is intended to increase the success of your sales lead generation efforts. It also allows for a more coherent and consistent message across the various platforms, giving customers a better experience with the brand. 

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How does cross-channel marketing enhance brand visibility?

The digital era has meant businesses must adapt their outbound lead generation strategies. Gone are the days of just knocking on doors. Granted, that strategy meant meeting customers where they were – literally. But today’s customers are everywhere, so your business must reach audiences in all these places.

Cross-channel marketing enhances brand visibility by ensuring that your brand is present across multiple platforms and channels, which has the benefit of reaching a wider audience than one single platform. 

You can engage with customers who use different channels to conduct their affairs by using a combination of online and offline channels, such as social media and email, websites, and physical stores. 

You also meet customers at different points in their buying journey. This approach’s consistency and cohesiveness help reinforce your brand message. Every channel, be it YouTube advertising, email, or anything else, promotes the same ideas and messages to offer a consistent marketing strategy, regardless of how you interact with your customers. 

Things to consider when choosing a platform

When deciding which platforms to use, you should keep a few key points in mind. We’ll go through these together below.

But before we do, it’s worth noting that managing multiple platforms can get complicated. While some tools can help you stay on track with individual channels like social media or email, consider other tools like Trello, Asana, Monday, or Kanban software

The latter can be particularly helpful for marketing as you can create visual boards, add attachments to tasks, and view insights into your workflow. 

Short-form versus long-form content

Depending on who you are targeting (your audience) and your marketing goals (e.g., brand recognition, sales, customer retention), you’ll need to decide whether short-form or long-form content best suits your needs. You will want to choose the most suitable for effectively conveying the message you want. 

Short-form content can include an organic social media post or a static ad. Long-form content focuses more on articles (e.g., blog posts) or videos (e.g., Instagram reels). This is a great choice for quickly capturing someone’s attention and conveying key messages concisely. 

Long-form content, on the other hand, allows you to offer more in-depth information, establish thought leadership, and engage individuals who want real knowledge and solutions to tricky problems.

Opportunities for influencer collaborations

a man holding a cup of coffee and some snacks
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Influencer collaborations can help you to enhance brand visibility and reach a wider audience. This is particularly effective if you’re developing a go-to-market strategy for a new offering or audience. 

What is a go-to-market strategy? It’s essentially a roadmap for launching a new product or feature or introducing an existing product into a new market.

Since influencers have followers who trust their recommendations, they are useful assets for promoting these products and services. You should keep the following in mind if you want to go down this path:

  • Relevance: The audience of the influencers you choose should align with your target demographic and brand values; otherwise, they might not engage with you.
  • Engagement: You should pick influencers with high engagement rates, not just based on their number of followers.
  • Quality: Check that the quality of the influencer’s content, as well as their style and tone, matches your brand image and messaging.

Advertising options and sponsored content

When exploring possible advertising options and sponsored content for your marketing strategy, you want to choose platforms that align with your brand and help you reach your target audience. You should consider the following aspects:

  • Platform choice: You should pick the popular platforms amongst your target demographic, e.g., social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, search engines, and websites.
  • Advert formats: Consider the advertising formats available on the platforms, such as display ads, videos, and sponsored posts. This will help you decide which best suits your marketing goals. 
  • Measure performance: Monitor and analyze your performance metrics to optimize their success. This will allow you to make data-driven decisions going forward.
man standing on road infront of high-rise buildi
Free to use image sourced from Unsplash

Engagement strategies, trends, and challenges

When developing your cross-channel marketing strategy, you’ll want to consider personalization, in other words, creating tailored content for your target audience. You could employ interactivity within your strategies, such as polls, quizzes, surveys, etc. This would encourage more active participation and engagement from your audience. 

User-generated content is a great way to make your audience feel involved, all while generating great and authentic content and building a community. 

You should also keep your finger on the pulse of trends, new technologies, and platforms, adapt your strategy as you go along, and remain relevant. This can help you counter challenges such as decreased social media engagement, competing for your audience’s attention, and keeping your brand image consistent. 

Target demographics, interests, and user interactions

When planning your marketing strategy, you need to identify key demographic factors regarding your audience, such as age, gender, location, income level, education, and occupation. This can help you curate buyer personas that collectively represent your target audience.

Taking it a step further, understanding your audience’s interests, preferences, and hobbies will help you tailor your messaging and content to make it more attractive to them.

Finally, you can check and analyze how they interact with your brand across the channels so that you can learn how to optimize engagement and the user experience. 

Content formats, length, and interactive features

In terms of content formats, you want to choose those that best showcase your brand and that your audience will enjoy. These could be videos on TikTok, blog posts, infographics, podcasts, or even interactive quizzes! Interactivity can encourage your audience to participate and engage more with what you’re putting out there, making you more memorable. 

How to develop a cross-channel marketing strategy

The following 6 steps will guide you through developing a cross-channel marketing strategy that meets your target audience’s preferences so that you can optimize your efforts for success! 

Clearly outline what you aim to achieve

Your first step is to define your goals and objectives. Without this, you are walking around in the dark without a head torch. Your goals could be directed to increasing brand awareness, generating more traffic to your landing page, or increasing sales. Whatever you decide, your aims will be the magnet that pulls you in the right direction when making strategic choices. 

Understand your target audience

person writing on white paper
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Next, you want to conduct market research to identify your target audience’s demographics, behaviors, and preferences—in other words, to gain a deeper understanding of your customers. This step is vital for helping you make tailored marketing choices aimed at your customers’ specific preferences and keeping them in line with who they are. 

Gather this data from robust sources such as your email database, surveys and questionnaires, contact center CRM software, customer feedback, market research, online communities, and social media analytics. The combined data will inform which channels you use and what types of content you produce. 

Choose the most relevant channels

You then want to pick the channels that best align with your target audience’s preferences. This could include social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook, email marketing if your audience uses email, search engine marketing, and many more.

By choosing the most relevant channels, you can create targeted marketing campaigns that potentially increase engagement and conversion rates in the financial services sector. Different channels offer different content format options, so you can create diverse content depending on your channel of choice. 

Maintain a consistent brand message and identity

Make sure you are consistent in your brand messaging, tone of voice, and identity across all channels. 

This will help you build brand recognition, going from the short-term to long-term memory of your customers as well as building trust among your audience. When something feels familiar, people often trust it more. Familiarity is key. 

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Free to use image sourced from Unsplash

Create tailored content for each marketing channel

While your style, tone, message, and identity should be consistent across all your channels, you should create content optimized for each channel’s format and specific audience. Instagram, for example, is great for short videos. Email is better with static images. Websites can include blogs and longer articles. 

Using a cross-channel marketing approach could enhance the effectiveness of your strategy, for example, by targeting specific customer segments and tailoring messaging to their preferences within the healthcare insurance sector environment.

Cross-promote your content across multiple channels

Finally, you should cross-promote your content between channels. You can do this by sharing content from one channel to another—e.g., including a link to a video in an email, or linking to an article on your website with a post on Instagram. 

This can help amplify your message and reach a wider audience so that your content gets the most bang for its buck. It also helps you to ensure the consistency that we talked about earlier. 

Social media tools come into their own here, so do your research and consider which software will save you time while helping you be consistent. Some of these tools are beneficial for redistributing content between blogs and social media, some can automate posts across different channels, and others have built-in analytics.


Cross-channel marketing is a great way to enhance brand visibility. By integrating different channels into a seamless experience for your audience, you can create a cohesive brand image that appeals to diverse customer groups. 

Cross-channel marketing enhances trust and familiarity and improves customer experience through consistency and accessibility. Implement the steps outlined in this article to develop your own cross-channel marketing strategy for your business today!

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