Benefits of CTV Advertising for Social Media Advertisers

Would you consider adding another device medium to your media plan once you understand the benefits of CTV advertising? U.S. ad spending on Connected TV (CTV) is projected to reach nearly $30 billion in 2024, a 69% increase from 2021 when CTV advertising was still emerging. Compared to linear TV advertising, digital TV advertising offers flexibility and allows mobile and desktop advertisers to extend their reach beyond users’ personal devices. 

If you’re still deciding whether to incorporate CTV into your media plan, this article outlines the key benefits and considerations to help you make an informed choice for your next quarter or next year’s media strategy.

How Major Social Media Platforms Have Adapted to CTV Advertising

Advertising on CTV provides extensive capabilities to raise brand awareness and build recognition, prompting these social media platforms to swiftly expand their ad formats to cater to CTV audiences swiftly. But first, let’s take a step back and gather more information on Connected TV and how it has become a new method for advertisers to attract more attention to their ads.

What is CTV Advertising and How Does It Work?

Connected TV (CTV) advertising involves promoting your brand using video ads that are distributed when users stream content on smart TVs or internet-connected TV devices (hence the term “connected TV”). It functions similarly to ads delivered on desktop devices, but since Connected TVs are dedicated to TV distribution, the ads are tailored accordingly.

CTV ads vary across different platforms. For instance, how Connected TV ads appear on Roku may differ from those on Chromecast-connected TVs. Consequently, some CTV advertising formats are specifically tailored for TV distribution and streaming platforms. 

For social media advertisers, the question is whether CTV advertising is suitable, especially if an existing social media advertising strategy is already in place. To assess if CTV advertising is right for you, see how major social media advertising platforms have incorporated CTV ads without disrupting their existing offerings:


YouTube was primarily a video platform, initially for uploading video content, and now it is also a major platform for video advertising. With the growing popularity of CTV ads, YouTube has expanded to offer advertisers a new channel beyond the standard YouTube app and onto larger screens. By February 2024, YouTube TV had amassed 8 million paid subscribers, making it one of the largest CTV subscription providers in the U.S.

Utilizing the advanced technology behind Video View Campaigns and Video Reach Campaigns, targeted YouTube TV ads seamlessly integrate with related content, ensuring an uninterrupted viewing experience. In addition, this technology aligns the ads with relevant audiences and content, guaranteeing high-quality views and eligibility.

CTV advertising platform - YouTube TV sample ad


As YouTube’s parent company, Google quickly expanded into CTV advertising, offering new opportunities through Google TV. As of June 2024, over 125 channels have been added to the Google TV network, offering advertisers new opportunities for reach and awareness in video campaigns. Available through auction buys via Google Ads and DV360, brands can now access up to 20 million monthly active users of Google TV and other Android TV OS devices.

Currently, advertising formats on Google TV are limited compared to YouTube TV, with options available only for “Efficient reach” or “Non-skippable” campaign objectives. This includes 15-second non-skippable in-stream ads or 6-second bumper ads. Despite its limited formats, early campaigns incorporating Google TV ads alongside YouTube and video ad campaigns have demonstrated strong results, with a 4.72% increase in impressions in Q3 2024, following a promising start in Q2 2024.

Strike Social Case Study - 2024 Google TV Ad Impressions Share


LinkedIn is another newcomer to adding Connected TV advertising to its ad placement list, launching this April 2024. This move positions LinkedIn as a significant player in social media advertising for B2B marketers, demonstrating that CTV ads can effectively reach consumers, businesses, and brands.

Like Google TV, LinkedIn’s CTV ads have distinct ad specs and are currently available only for brand awareness campaigns. These ads will be distributed through LinkedIn’s partner networks, including NBCUniversal, Paramount, Roku, and Samsung.

A key advantage of CTV advertising on LinkedIn is its focus on B2B marketing. If your brand operates in the B2B sector, this is an opportunity to expand your market and be among the first to utilize CTV ad buys on this platform. Starting the customer journey with CTV ads on LinkedIn can help brands generate more qualified leads and views as potential customers progress.

What Are the Benefits of CTV Advertising When Integrated with Social Media Campaigns?

Connected TV ads may be relatively new to advertisers, leading to doubts and challenges when updating a long-standing social media strategy. To help you make a more informed decision, we’ve outlined the benefits of CTV advertising and how it can enhance your existing social media advertising strategy for better results:

1. Expansive Audience Reach

93% of U.S. households have Connected TVs, including smart TVs, Chromecast, streaming services, and more. With such widespread adoption, the question is not whether your brand is ready to advertise on CTV but when. With the height of the 2024 political ad spending season approaching, leveraging CTV allows brands to explore additional channels, optimize budget allocation, and identify the most effective avenues for reaching target audiences.

Here’s a snapshot of the reach offered by major social media platforms adapting CTV advertising:

Benefits of CTV advertising - expansive audience reach on CTV social media ad platforms

2. High Engagement Rates

CTV ads are generally non-skippable, shown on larger screens, and viewed in a lean-back environment, leading to higher engagement rates than traditional digital ads. This increased viewer attention can enhance brand recall and improve conversion rates.

Yet, even in skippable campaigns, Connected TV ads show impressive engagement and viewer retention. For example, a major US insurance company that recently added Google TV ads to its strategy saw impressive results in Q1 and Q2 of 2024.

As shown in the data below, viewer retention from 25% video view to ad completion is notably higher on Connected TV placements despite the skippable format, while other devices saw a higher drop-off in viewers by the end of the ad.


Depending on the length of your video ad, you can evaluate how effective CTV ad placement is for acquiring completed views from audiences:

Strike Social Case Study - 2024 YouTube TV and Google TV Ad Campaigns - View Rate (Completed Views) by Creative Duration (1)

3. Cost-Efficiency in Larger Screens

While social media provides detailed targeting and flexibility, competition for ad space can increase costs, especially during high-demand retail seasons like back-to-school, particularly for sought-after demographics or platforms. Ad costs can vary rapidly due to bidding wars and auction dynamics. Targeting specific audiences or locations can also drive up costs more than anticipated as you refine your desired viewers.

One of the benefits of CTV advertising is that it allows you to stretch your budget further when combined with existing social media strategies. Pacing your campaigns effectively and using precise audience targeting strategies results in lower ad costs

Not only can this achieve lower cost benchmarks, but it can also help reduce overall expenses, as demonstrated by a campaign for a prominent fast-food restaurant chain that incorporated Google TV and YouTube Connected TV ads into their previously YouTube-only strategy.

Strike Social Case Study - 2024 YouTube TV and Google TV Ad Campaigns - CPM reduction Q1-Q3 2024

4. Integration with Multichannel Strategies

With the advancements in CTV advertising, adding this medium to your social media strategy has become simpler for brands. This integration allows for broader reach without requiring a new platform’s separate budget or media plan. 

CTV ads play a crucial role in the customer funnel, specifically during the brand awareness stage, particularly because CTV viewers are more receptive to ads on larger screens. 36% of viewers report that interactive ads enhance their big-screen viewing experience.


As new CTV ad formats continue to emerge and develop, the viewing experience on Connected TV is evolving, offering a distinct experience compared to personal devices.

Here are additional benefits of CTV advertising that can help you reach more potential customers and further optimize your overall marketing strategy:

  • Consistent Messaging and Branding
    • Since your ads will run on the same platform and use the same creative direction, such as in your awareness campaigns, there will be no deviation from your ad’s messaging and how your audiences perceive it.
    • For example, as a makeup and cosmetics brand, your CTV ad audiences will see your new collection launch in a 6-second ad. As these viewers move to your traffic campaign on their mobile devices, they can view a longer version of your ad showcasing the products in the new collection. This creates a smooth flow across all your campaigns within the same social media ad platform.
  • Ability to Use Existing Audience Data
    • With an existing audience list or setup on YouTube or Google Ads, you do not need to create a new setup for your Connected TV audience. You can use the same audience data or leverage successful audience data for your CTV ad campaigns.
    • The same applies to retargeting customers for your lower funnel campaigns. The data from your CTV ads will serve as benchmarks to improve results throughout the customer journey.

How Strike Social Simplifies CTV Ad Integration

If you’re facing challenges in scaling your advertising strategies while expanding into Connected TV advertising, having a team to help merge your efforts can be the solution. Strike Social provides a comprehensive solution for brands that integrate CTV marketing with existing social media strategies. Here’s how Strike Social makes this process easier:

Unified Dashboard

Strike Social’s unified dashboard is designed to simplify the management of multiple ad platforms and formats. Our media buyers can oversee CTV ad campaigns alongside social media and other digital efforts with a single interface. This centralization eliminates the need for multiple logins and platforms, making launching, monitoring, and optimizing your campaigns easier.

For instance, the dashboard displays different YouTube campaigns for the brand’s customer funnel journey. It eliminates the need to switch between windows, saving time and providing a clear view of which campaigns perform well and which require further optimization.

CTV ad integration with Strike Social - Unified campaign dashboard to see all running campaigns
Screenshot from Campaign Lab; client information masked for confidentiality

Our dashboard also aggregates performance metrics for Connected TV and social media campaigns in one place, facilitating better analysis and optimization of overall marketing efforts. This holistic approach helps identify the most effective channels and where adjustments may be needed. For example, our media buyers can see the budget allocation and share of views by device during the current campaign flight.

Device Report for Connected TV and social media placement distributions
Screenshot from Campaign Lab; client information masked for confidentiality

Campaign Optimization

With over a decade of experience running successful social media campaigns globally, Strike Social combines advanced technology with expert media buying. Our team monitors campaigns 24/7, making real-time adjustments to ensure continuous optimization and optimal results.

Our Pacing Dashboard lets us view how the campaign runs compared to the expected results. In this campaign, we can see that while we may be slightly overpacing, we are still on track to deliver the required CPV and the budget will be consistently distributed towards the end of the campaign.

Campaign pacing optimization dashboard by Strike Social for CTV and social media advertising
Screenshot from Campaign Lab; client information masked for confidentiality

CTV Advertising Wins

Strike Social has a proven track record of facilitating successful CTV ad integrations with ongoing social media advertising campaigns, as demonstrated by our work with clients.

We recently released our benchmark report on YouTube TrueView Instream Skippable Campaigns for Q2 2024, highlighting trends in campaigns integrated with Connected TV ads and showing how these integrations have led to improved results and more efficient costs:

Strike Social Case Study - Q2 2024 YouTube TV and Google TV Ad Campaigns - Share of views and view rate

If you’re interested in a similar social campaign solution, our team is ready to discuss strategies tailored to your needs. Request a personalized info pack from our sales team to explore how adding CTV advertising can enhance your social media advertising strategy.

Making CTV Ads a Part of Your Social Media Strategy Is Easier Than You Think

While it’s not without its complexities, integrating CTV ads should enhance rather than complicate your existing strategy. As highlighted throughout this blog, CTV advertisers who have adopted this strategy have experienced increased reach, higher engagement rates, and cost efficiency. 

Adding Connected TV to your ad placements offers greater brand visibility in an engaging environment, improving brand recall and reaching a broader audience without significantly increasing your budget. The key is to augment CTV advertising with your current social media strategy, amplifying your results while preserving the effectiveness of your current approach.

Connect with our team to discover how Strike Social can seamlessly integrate CTV ads into your current campaigns and drive even greater results for your brand.

Expand your expertise. Browse Strike Social’s blogs here:

Strike Social Blog Header - How Do CTV Advertising Rates Compare to Mobile and Desktop Ads
Strike Social Blog Header - 5 Reasons To Include Google TV Ads To YouTube Strategy
Strike Social Blog Header - How to Set Up Google TV Ads for Your YouTube Campaigns

Although LinkedIn might not be your initial choice for social media advertising, it’s reassuring to have access to a LinkedIn ads glossary for when you do decide to utilize it. Fear not, many of the key terms and concepts you’ll encounter here are familiar and easily translatable from other social media advertising platforms. Whether you’re just getting started or seeking a deeper understanding of LinkedIn’s advertising terms, this glossary is designed to equip you with the knowledge you need.

The Complete LinkedIn Ads Glossary: Essential Terms and Concepts

Despite its higher advertising costs, LinkedIn managed to accrue nearly $4 billion in ad revenue in 2023, and experts predict a growth rate of 14.1% by 2024. While it may not boast the same colossal figures as industry giants Google and Meta, LinkedIn’s appeal lies in its unique targeting capabilities. Businesses can leverage LinkedIn’s sophisticated targeting options to tailor their B2B sales efforts based on factors such as company, seniority, job title, or a combination thereof.

As Leesha Anderson, Vice President of Digital Marketing and Social Media at Outcast ad agency, succinctly puts it, “This is LinkedIn season.” With increasing interest from brands, there’s no better time than now to ensure you’re fully informed about advertising on this platform. Explore our LinkedIn ads glossary to master the ins and outs of advertising on LinkedIn.

  • Basic LinkedIn Terms
  • LinkedIn Marketing and Advertising Terms
  • LinkedIn Ad Management Terms

Decode the basics of LinkedIn advertising, where we break down fundamental terminology for beginners and provide insights to kickstart your marketing journey on the platform.

Master the intricacies of LinkedIn ad management with our specialized glossary, offering an in-depth understanding of essential terms and techniques to optimize your campaigns, drive engagement, and achieve your advertising goals effectively.

Easily navigate through the sections above to find the specific LinkedIn glossary ad term you’re seeking. Alternatively, you can browse through the LinkedIn advertising terms listed alphabetically below.

A/B Testing: A method used to compare two different versions of a marketing asset, such as an advertisement or webpage, to determine which performs better in achieving desired outcomes.

Ad copy: The written text within an advertisement intended to persuade viewers to take action.

Ad format: This represents how you would like your ads to appear on LinkedIn. Options include:

Ad headline: A concise text, usually 45-70 characters in length (depending on the LinkedIn ad specifications), designed to capture the audience’s attention before they view the entire advertisement.

Ad placement: The specific location on LinkedIn where an advertisement appears, such as in the newsfeed, on a company page, or within a LinkedIn article.

Ad rank: The position of an advertisement in the auction, determining its placement on LinkedIn. Higher ad ranks correspond to better positions on the search results page.

Ad targeting: Refining chosen audience for advertisements based on demographics, job titles, industries, interests, and other criteria.

Audience Expansion: A feature used to broaden the reach of a campaign by displaying ads to audiences with attributes similar to the target audience. This function applies to Matched Audiences and LinkedIn attribute targeting, allowing advertisers to target individuals based on factors such as skills or interests.

Awareness campaign: A campaign objective focused on increasing brand awareness and reaching a broader audience with promotional content.

Bid: The maximum price an advertiser is willing to pay for a desired action, such as a click or conversion.

Boosting: A process of increasing the visibility of a post on social media by paying to reach a wider audience beyond the post’s organic reach. Unlike traditional ads, boosted posts are selected directly from the brand’s social media account.

Brand awareness: A campaign objective aimed at increasing awareness of a brand, its products, or services among a target audience.

Business to Business (B2B): Involves businesses marketing their products or services to other businesses rather than individual consumers. This strategy typically involves targeting decision-makers within target companies to convey tailored messages that address their specific needs and interests.

Business to Consumer (B2C): Refers to businesses marketing directly to individual consumers, offering products and services tailored to meet their needs and preferences.

Campaign: A series of ad groups organized to achieve a specific marketing goal, such as increasing sales or generating leads for instance.

Campaign group: A subset of a LinkedIn advertising campaign containing a specific set of ads and targeting criteria.

Campaign Manager: A tool provided by LinkedIn to create and manage advertising campaigns, allowing advertisers to set objectives, target audiences, and monitor campaign performance within the platform.

Click-through rate (CTR): A metric that measures the percentage of users who click on an ad after viewing it, calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions.

Click to Open Rate: The ratio of users who click within a Message or Conversation Ad to the number of times the ad is opened.

Connection: A LinkedIn user who has accepted a connection invitation, allowing for interaction and the sharing of updates between users.

Connection Limit: The maximum number of connections allowed for a LinkedIn user, capped at 30,000. Once this limit is reached, Follow becomes the default action for others viewing your profile.

Connection List: The roster of users with whom a LinkedIn user is connected, showcasing their professional network.

Connection Request: An invitation sent to another LinkedIn user to establish a connection and expand one’s professional network.

Consideration campaign: A campaign objective focused on encouraging interaction and engagement with a brand’s content or offerings.

Conversion: The desired action taken by a user in response to an advertisement or landing page, such as visiting a website, signing up for an email list, or making a purchase.

Conversion campaign: A campaign objective aimed at driving specific actions or conversions.

Cost cap bidding: A bidding strategy in which advertisers set a maximum cost per result, allowing LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager to adjust bids accordingly to meet the specified cost cap while maximizing campaign results.

Cost Per Click (CPC): The average cost incurred by advertisers for each click on their advertisements, calculated by dividing the total ad spend by the number of clicks received.

Cost Per View (CPV): The expense incurred by an advertiser for each instance in which their ad is viewed by a user. This metric is determined by dividing the total campaign spend by the number of views it garners.

Dynamic Ads: Personalized advertisements tailored to each LinkedIn member based on their profile data, including profile photo, company name, or job title.

Engagement: A campaign objective focused on increasing interactions with a brand’s content, such as likes, comments, shares, or clicks.

Engagement clicks: Interactions within an advertisement, including clicks on buttons, links, or interactive elements.

Followers: Users who subscribe to updates from another user without necessarily forming a mutual connection. 

Geotargeting: The practice of customizing LinkedIn advertisements or content towards a specific geographic location.

Hashtag: A keyword or phrase preceded by the ‘#’ symbol, used to categorize and discover content related to specific topics or themes on LinkedIn.

Impressions: The total count of instances in which your content is displayed to LinkedIn users, regardless of whether it results in any interaction.

Invite to Connect: The action of sending a request to another LinkedIn user to establish a connection.

InMail: LinkedIn’s private messaging feature that allows users to communicate with other users outside their immediate network.

Job applicants: A campaign objective aimed at attracting qualified candidates and driving applications for job openings within a company.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI): A measurable value used to evaluate the performance of a specific business objective over time, with metrics such as CTR, CPC, and others commonly used as KPIs in advertising campaigns.

Landing Page: The webpage linked to an advertisement where users are directed upon clicking, often optimized for capturing leads or encouraging conversions.

Lead generation: A campaign objective focused on capturing contact information and generating leads using LinkedIn’s Lead Gen Form pre-filled with profile data.

LinkedIn Live: A feature that enables real-time video broadcasting on LinkedIn, allowing for live events, presentations, and discussions to engage with the audience in real-time.

LinkedIn Podcasts: A platform within LinkedIn for hosting and sharing podcast episodes directly on a user’s profile.

LinkedIn Polls: A feature allowing users to create and participate in polls on various topics.

Lookalike Audience: Allows advertisers to expand their audience by targeting users with similar characteristics to existing customers or contacts. (Note: This feature is no longer available as of 29 February 2024.)

Matched Audiences: An audience-building feature allowing advertisers to target LinkedIn members who have engaged with specific content or events, visited a website, or interacted with ads.

Maximum delivery bidding: An automated bid option where LinkedIn’s system sets bids to maximize the delivery of the campaign within the specified budget, aiming to achieve the most key results possible.

Messaging: A campaign objective focused on engaging with the audience through direct messaging or communication channels.

Network: The collective connections made by a user on LinkedIn.

Objective-Based Pricing: A pricing model where the campaign objective selected by the advertiser determines available ad formats, bidding strategies, and optimization goals for the campaign.

Predictive Audiences: An audience-building feature helping to expand campaign reach by creating an audience of individuals with similar characteristics to existing data sources likely to convert. This function applies to various data sources such as contact lists, conversion data, or Lead Gen Form data.

Premium: Subscription plans offered by LinkedIn that provide access to additional features and insights beyond the standard free version. 

Premium Insights: Additional data and analytics accessible to LinkedIn premium subscribers. 

Reach: The unique number of LinkedIn members exposed to an advertisement.

Retargeting: A marketing technique that involves advertising to users who have previously interacted with a brand or visited a website, aimed at encouraging them to return and complete a desired action.

Saved Audiences: Predefined audience segments saved within an advertising platform for future targeting.

Sales Navigator: LinkedIn’s premium tool designed for sales professionals, offering advanced features for lead generation, prospecting, and relationship-building. 

Showcase Page: A dedicated subpage within a company’s profile on LinkedIn, highlighting specific brands, products, or initiatives to showcase their unique value propositions. 

Target cost bidding: A bidding strategy that allows advertisers to set a maximum cost for achieving specific outcomes, with LinkedIn optimizing campaign delivery to maximize conversions while adhering to the budget limit. (Note: This option is no longer available on LinkedIn).

Video views: A campaign objective aimed at increasing the number of views and engagement with video content shared on LinkedIn.

Website conversions: A campaign objective focused on driving specific actions or conversions on a website, such as form submissions or purchases.

Website visits: A campaign objective aimed at driving traffic to a website or marketing landing pages to increase user engagement and interactions.

Equip Yourself With the Right Tools Starting With This LinkedIn Ads Guide for Beginners

Keep this comprehensive glossary close at hand for when you’re ready to advertise on LinkedIn. Whether you’re just starting out or need a refresher, bookmark this post to revisit anytime.

We’re committed to keeping you informed in every aspect of paid digital advertising. Get your hands on the LinkedIn ad glossary one-pager to have essential information at your fingertips. Stay tuned for updates on LinkedIn advertising and valuable insights by subscribing to our newsletter. 

Expand your expertise. Browse Strike Social’s latest blogs here:

Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn Ad Specs

This post was updated in August 2024 to provide you with the latest information.

LinkedIn continuously innovates to catch up with major social media advertising platforms, making it essential to stay updated on the latest LinkedIn ad specs to ensure your ads meet current standards. LinkedIn ads offer a unique channel for brands to connect with business professionals. Because of this, the most effective LinkedIn advertising is that which builds and promotes your brand’s image.

Choose Your LinkedIn Ad Campaign Objective

Before you start analyzing the specific LinkedIn ad specs, make sure that your desired ad type is available for your chosen campaign objective. For example, one of the newest ad formats on LinkedIn, Connected TV (CTV), is only available for awareness campaigns.

Refer to the list below to see if your selected ad format is available for your desired LinkedIn campaign objective.

LinkedIn ad formats available for Awareness campaigns

  • Brand Awareness objective
    • Single image
    • Text
    • Document
    • Carousel image
    • Spotlight
    • Conversation
    • Video
    • Follower
    • Event
    • Connected TV (CTV)

LinkedIn advertising types for Consideration objective

  • Website Visits objective
    • Single image
    • Text
    • Document
    • Carousel image
    • Spotlight
    • Conversation
    • Video
    • Follower
    • Event
  • Engagement Objective
    • Single image
    • Follower
    • Event
    • Carousel image
    • Document
    • Video
    • Conversation
  • Messaging
    • Single image
  • Video Views
    • Video

LinkedIn ad types for Conversion campaigns

  • Lead Generation Objective
    • Single image
    • Message
    • Conversation
    • Carousel image
    • Document
    • Video
  • Website Conversion Objective
    • Single image
    • Text
    • Document
    • Carousel image
    • Spotlight
    • Conversation
    • Video
    • Event
  • Job Applicant Objective
    • Single job
    • Spotlight
    • Jobs
    • Single image

LinkedIn Ad Specs (2024 Update)

To convey your message properly, it is important to understand how advertising on LinkedIn works in detail. A key aspect of this is understanding LinkedIn ad sizes and how they appear in the user’s view.

Below, we’ve outlined the different LinkedIn ad specs for each advertising format to help you prepare before launching your campaign.

1. Single Image Ads

Single Image Ads offer a prime opportunity to connect with your target audience in a visually appealing manner. Use compelling visuals to capture your audience’s attention and convey your brand’s story effectively. ​


Text specifications:

  • Ad name (optional): 255 characters
  • Headline: 70 characters
  • Introductory text:  150 characters
  • Description (LAN only): 70 characters. Only required if using LinkedIn Audience Network (LAN).

LinkedIn single image ad specs:

  • File Type: jpg, png, or gif
  • File Size: up to 5 MB
  • Image Ratio:
    • Horizontal/Landscape
      • 1.91:1 (desktop and mobile) 
      • Minimum: 640 x 360 pixels
      • Maximum: 7680 x 4320 pixels
      • Recommended: 1.91:1 – 1200 x 628 pixels
    • Square – recommended aspect ratio for delivery across both desktop and mobile
      • 1:1 (desktop and mobile)
      • Minimum: 360 x 360 pixels
      • Maximum: 4320 x 4320 pixels
      • Recommended: 1:1 – 1200 x 1200 pixels
    • Vertical – recommended for best CTR performance on mobile devices
      • 1:1.91 (mobile only)
      • Minimum: 360 x 640 pixels
      • Maximum: 2430 x 4320 pixels
      • Recommended:
        • 1:1.91 – 628 x 1200 pixels
        • 2:3 – 600 x 900 pixels
        • 4:5 – 720 x 900 pixels

CTA options:

  • Apply
  • Download
  • View Quote
  • Learn More
  • Sign Up
  • Subscribe
  • Register
  • Join
  • Attend
  • Request Demo

URL specifications:

  • Landing page URL: Required
  • URL prefix: http:// or https://
  • URL characters: 2000 characters for destination field URL

Through a series of two or more swipeable image cards seamlessly integrated into the LinkedIn feed, you can deliver a narrative that leaves a lasting impression. Carousel Image Ads offer a unique opportunity to engage professionals and drive them to take action.

Note: Carousel Image Ads currently support only static images and do not include video content at this time.

LinkedIn ad specs for carousel ads

Text specifications:

  • Ad name (optional): 255 characters
  • Card headline: 45 characters
  • Introductory text: 255 characters

LinkedIn carousel ad specs:

  • File Type: JPG or PNG
  • Ratio: 1:1
  • Recommended Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Number of carousel cards: 2-10
  • Maximum File Size: 10 MB

URL specifications:

  • Landing page URL: Required
  • URL prefix: http:// or https://
  • URL characters: 2000 characters for destination field URL

3. Video Ads

Whether they showcase your product’s features, share success stories, or convey your brand’s values, Video Ads can grab attention directly from the LinkedIn feed.

LinkedIn advertising specs for video ads

Text specifications:

  • Ad name (optional): 255 characters
  • Headline: 70 characters. Maximum of 200 characters
  • Introductory text: 150 characters. Maximum of 600 characters

LinkedIn video ad specs:

  • Video File Type: MP4
  • Video Sound Format: AAC or MPEG4
  • Video File Size: 75 KB (min) – 200 MB (max)
  • Video Duration: 3 seconds – 30 minutes
  • Video Captions: Optional
  • Video Sound Rate: Less than 64 KHz
  • Recommended frame rate: 30 frames per second
  • Custom Thumbnail: Optional but recommended
  • Width: minimum 360 pixels; maximum 1920 pixels
  • Height: minimum 360 pixels; maximum 1920 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: minimum 9:16 (0.563); maximum 16:9 (1.778)
  • Vertical (4:5, 0.8):
    • Min 360 x 450 pixels
    • Max 1536 x 1920 pixels
  • Vertical (9:16, 0.57):
    • Min 360 x 640 pixels
    • Max 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Landscape (16:9, 1.78):
    • Min 640 x 360 pixels
    • Max 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • Square (1:1, 1.0):
    • Min 360 x 360 pixels
    • Max 1920 x 1920 pixels
  • Aspect ratio tolerance: 5%
  • Video Thumbnail File Format: JPG or PNG
  • Video Thumbnail Max File Size: 2 MB Video
  • Thumbnail Aspect Ratio & Resolution: Match video

CTA options:

  • Apply
  • Download
  • View Quote
  • Learn More
  • Sign Up
  • Subscribe
  • Register
  • Join
  • Attend
  • Request Demo

URL specifications:

  • Landing page URL: Required
  • URL prefix: http:// or https://
  • URL characters: 2000 characters for destination field URL

4. Text Ads

Text Ads offer you the perfect solution to drive new customers to your business while maintaining a budget that suits your needs. With the ability to add a compelling headline, a brief description, and even an optional image, Text Ads provides you with a versatile LinkedIn advertising tool.

LinkedIn Text Ads - Desktop view
LinkedIn Text Ads - Desktop view magnified

Text and character limits:

  • Headline: 25 characters
  • Description: 75 characters

Design specifications:

  • Logo File Type : JPG or PNG
  • Logo File Size: 2MB
  • Logo image dimensions: 100×100 pixels

CTA options:

  • Apply
  • Download
  • View Quote
  • Learn More
  • Sign Up
  • Subscribe
  • Register
  • Join
  • Attend
  • Request Demo

URL specifications:

  • Landing page URL: Required
  • URL prefix: http:// or https://
  • URL characters: 2000 characters for destination field URL

5. Spotlight Ads

By its name, this LinkedIn ad format is designed to spotlight your offerings and ensure that your target audience discovers what you have to offer. In addition to aligning with the LinkedIn ad specs, include a snappy call-to-action (CTA) that directs viewers to your desired destination, such as your website or a dedicated landing page.


Text specifications:

  • Headline: 50 characters
  • Description: 70 characters
  • Company Name: 25 characters
  • Call-to-Action: 18 characters

Design specs for LinkedIn spotlight ads:

  • Company Logo Size: 100 x 100 pixels
  • Company Logo File Type: JPG or PNG
  • Company Logo File Size: 2 MB
  • Background Image File Type (optional): JPG or PNG
  • Background Image Dimensions (optional): 300 x 250 pixels
  • Background Image File Size (optional): 2 MB

CTA options:

  • Apply
  • Download
  • View Quote
  • Learn More
  • Sign Up
  • Subscribe
  • Register
  • Join
  • Attend
  • Request Demo

URL specifications:

  • Landing page URL: Required
  • URL prefix: http:// or https://
  • URL characters: 2000 characters for destination field URL

6. Follower Ads

Follower ads are designed to enhance your online presence and extend your reach within the LinkedIn community. With Follower Ads, you can effortlessly promote your LinkedIn page and acquire a growing base of followers.

LinkedIn follower ads - desktop view
LinkedIn follower ads - desktop view - magnified

Text specifications:

  • Headline: 50 characters
  • Description: 70 characters
  • Company Name: 25 characters

LinkedIn ad specs for Follower ads:

  • Company Logo Size: 100x100px
  • Company Logo File Type: JPG or PNG
  • Company Logo File Size: 2MB

CTA options:

  • Visit careers
  • Visit company
  • Visit jobs 
  • Visit life
  • Note: The CTA options mentioned above are visible to LinkedIn users who already follow your page. For non-followers, the default CTA button will be “Follow.”

7. Document Ads

Document Ads promote content directly in members’ feeds, allowing them to access and download materials such as slides, documents, or guides, without leaving the LinkedIn platform.


Text specifications:

  • Ad name (optional): 255 characters
  • Headline: 70 characters
  • Introductory text: 150 characters

Document specs for LinkedIn ad campaign:

  • File type: PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX
  • File size: 100 MB
  • Aspect Ratio: Vertical, Horizontal, Square
  • Number of pages: under 10 pages (300 pages maximum or 1 MM words)
  • Use any of the standard PDF layouts:
    • Letter: 8.5 by 11 inches
    • Tabloid: 11 by 17 inches
    • Legal: 8.5 by 14 inches
    • Statement: 5.5 by 8.5 inches
    • Executive: 7.25 by 10.5 inches
    • Folio: 8.5 by 13 inches
    • A3: 11.69 by 16.54 inches
    • A4: 8.27 by 11.69 inches
    • B4: 9.84 by 13.90 inches
    • B5: 6.93 by 9.84 inches
  • If your PDF document contains multiple layers, it’s essential to flatten or merge them.
  • In case your PDF consists of pages with various sizes, it’s advisable to resize them to a uniform page size. 
  • To guarantee that your document complies with LinkedIn’s Copyright Policy, take the time to review their guidelines thoroughly. 
  • Make sure that your document includes secure hyperlinks.

URL specifications:

  • LinkedIn ad specs for document URL: No URL requirements

8. Conversation Ads

Using Conversation Ads in your LinkedIn campaigns places your brand right where professionals engage in conversations. They appear in the messaging inbox, making it easy for prospects to discover your profile and interact with you.


Text specifications:

  • Ad Name (optional): 255 characters maximum
  • Message Text: 8,000 characters maximum
  • Custom Footer: 20,000 characters maximum
  • Call-to-Action: 25 characters maximum

LinkedIn specs for Conversation ads:

  • Banner File Type (optional): JPG or PNG
  • Banner Image Size (optional): 300 x 250 pixels maximum
  • Banner Image File Size (optional): 2MB maximum
  • Sender Image: LinkedIn profile image of the sender
  • Banner viewability: Only available on desktop

URL specifications:

  • Landing page URL: Required
  • URL prefix: http:// or https://
  • URL characters: 2,000 characters maximum for destination field URL

9. Event Ads

LinkedIn Event Ads are your key to increasing attendance for your professional events. To get started with event advertising, you’ll first need to create a LinkedIn event.

If your event is hosted on another platform, like Demio or Zoom, you can integrate it by linking it to your LinkedIn event URL.

LinkedIn ad specs for Event ads (desktop view)
LinkedIn ad specs for Event ads (desktop view - magnified)

Text specifications:

  • Event name (optional): 255 characters
  • Introductory text:  600 characters

LinkedIn advertising specs for Event ad design:

  • Image Ratio: 4:1 (image will be pulled from the Event page)

URL specifications:

  • Event URL: Required, LinkedIn Event page URLs only
  • URL prefix: http:// or https://
  • URL characters: 2000 characters for destination field URL

10. Connected TV (CTV) Ads

While CTV advertising has long been a staple on platforms like YouTube and Google, LinkedIn introduced it in April 2024. This move is part of LinkedIn’s strategy to reach audiences beyond office hours and outside the LinkedIn app, allowing you to promote your LinkedIn company page and build brand awareness.

Check out the LinkedIn ad specs for CTV ads here:

LinkedIn advertising campaign on Connected TV (CTV)

Specs for LinkedIn ads on Connected TV (CTV):

  • Recommended dimensions: 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Format: MP4
  • Max file size: 500MB
  • Video duration:
    • Min/Max: 6 seconds – 60 seconds
    • Recommended: 6, 15, 30, 45, or 60 seconds
  • Audio duration: Must match video

Technical specifications:

  • Bit Rate:
    • General: 12 Mbps or higher
    • Recommended: 15 – 40 Mbps
  • Audio:
    • 2- channel, -23 integrated LUFS 
    • PCM (16 or 24 bit only, preferred) or AAC codec
    • 192 Kbps minimum
    • 48 kHz sample rate
  • Frame rate:
    • Frame rate (must be constant)
    • General: 23.98, 24, 25, or 29.97, 30 fps based on native rate 
    • Recommended: 29.97 fps based on native rate
  • Codec ID: H.264
  • Chroma Subsampling:
    • General: 4:2:0
    • Recommended: 4:2:2

Explore LinkedIn advertising

Whatever your preferred LinkedIn ad type is, make sure to follow the correct ad dimensions for more effective results.

Visit our blog to learn more about the ad specs for other social media platforms.